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Soviet infantry in the equipment may not match the Germans, but the number is more than just a lot of heavy machine gun fire on the second floor of the Germans was suppressed. Soviet soldiers besieged naturally swarmed. Forcibly invaded the building where the enemy launched a stronghold battle. Rifleman fighting continued support housing goals, pay attention to the blockade on the second floor. See allied soldiers stormed into the housing goals. ** Husband also stopped his car this very machine gun shooting, keep shooting, then if michael kors factory outlet may hit their own people, then to the second floor surveillance reconnaissance group of people, himself once again observe the entire battlefield.

Mitchell class firepower though not so fierce ** fu classes michael kors outlet online class rifles soldiers more, but a good shooter, but marksmanship is ranked in the most, the German machine gun positions on the direction obviously felt the Soviets in the distance sniper 's a huge threat. There is a German machine gunners are too close to the window, to be God's marksmanship as a direct shot headshot Sergeant Mitchell, upper body lying on the outside of the window. Do not stop machine gun squad, rushed to the front to continue, as close to the enemy machine-gun positions.

